Food, Uncategorized

Super easy healthy eating

As January begins we are all slapped in the face with ‘new start, new you’ diets promising us perfect bodies and glowing skin. Unless you have a serious amount of time and money to invest in this I would say that for the most part, starting every morning with a fresh pineapple and kale smoothie is slightly unrealistic and who can afford a whole food lunch every day? I don’t dispute that eating like this would be fantastic – I would if I could but it’s normally a cup of tea in my travel mug and some form of sarnie for lunch. For me healthy eating comes in waves, sometimes I enjoy it and sometimes I just want a big cake either way I know that what I put into my body will affect how I feel – when I eat junk I feel slobbish and when I start the day with a fruit smoothie I am more energized. I’ve been putting some thought into easy ways to inject some healthy eating into your routine which wont break the bank and will fit into an existing routine.

Super food drinks

Healthy drinksAll above drinks available from Holland and Barrett
(From left: together multi vit and detox, The berry company pomegranate and blueberry juice boxed, vita coco coconut water, alo alovera and honey drink)

It’s not difficult to add a healthy drink into your daily routine, especially if like the ones above they will easily fit into your bag. At the moment I’m trying a variety to see which ones I like. I’m already a big fan of the Together drinks (far left) which taste fresh and nourishing and are a feel-good boost on a long day. They’re not super cheap ranging from, £1.39 – £2.45 but if you eliminate a coffee from the day it works out at about the same. Also if you drink a lot of water they add a flavoursome addition to the day. Another idea is substituting dairy milk for some more nutritious alternatives like coconut or almond. Now, I’m a blue top dairy drinker – full fat and I don’t think I want to change this but what I like to do is have a separate red top (1%) 1 pint cows milk that I use in tea (because I’m British I drink a lot of it!).

When I can I like to start the day with a smoothie, here’s a delicious looking one I will try this week from a fantastic food blogger bakedbree (she owns this image – click on the smoothie below to be taken to the original source on her website).

almond milk smoothie baked bree
