
Adieu in Advance: F-Week at Zoe Jordan

This week at Zoe Jordan will be undoubtably coffee fueled, hectic, intense and exciting as we prepare for the SS14 show  at 9am Saturday 14th September. In advance of this, I apologise for my radio silence as I will be working late and wont have time to blog. I will however do a big big write up of my time at ZJ the following week. But do not fear, you can still follow my adventures on instagram as well as some behind the scenes and all round pretty things HERE. To watch the LFW live stream of the show, set a reminder and watch HERE. And click HERE to read all about the inspirations and ideas behind the new collection. I’ve tried on some samples and let me tell you, they’re delish! So if a softly tailored, sports-lux aesthetic is for you, now is the time to get acquainted with this babe of a brand.

The SS14 mood board which i helped to create showing 90’s graffiti inspirations.

ELLE moodboard
